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EU and Canada Lead on Belarus Sanctions, US Lags
Peter Piatetsky Peter Piatetsky

EU and Canada Lead on Belarus Sanctions, US Lags

In the months after dictator Alexander Lukashenko refused to concede an election widely seen as fraudulent, his regime has faced significant sanctions from the European Union (EU), France, the United Kingdom (UK), Canada and Switzerland, but not the US.

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By The Data: 7 Actions Biden's Treasury Will Take In the First 100 Days
Peter Piatetsky Peter Piatetsky

By The Data: 7 Actions Biden's Treasury Will Take In the First 100 Days

The Biden administration will continue the Trump administration’s aggressive use of the Global Magnitsky Act, targeting human rights abuse and corruption globally. Biden’s Treasury, however, will emphasize multilateral actions and cooperation with the European Union (EU). It will increase pressure on Russia, China and North Korea, while easing or leveling off pressure on Iran and Cuba.

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