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Treasury Influence Map
Treasury officials have unique skills in making economic policy and fighting financial crime, with former U.S. Deputy National Security advisor Juan Zarate calling them “guerillas in grey suits.” In the private sector, ex-Treasury officials leverage their unique skill set, deep financial knowledge, and extensive networks to navigate the complex intersection of government policy and business interests. We wanted to answer the question - where do they that - and for who?

Year in Review: How Sanctions Changed in 2023 with 17 charts
2023 was another historic year in sanctions activity after 2022 saw the largest number of targeted sanctions adopted on record. Russia solidified its position as the most sanctioned country globally as a result of its 2022 invasion of Ukraine, but the number of sanctions levied in response to Hamas’ October attack was limited. Meanwhile, countries like Iran, Belarus and Syria faced continued sanctions pressure.

The Mohammad Bias: Watchlisting of Muslim Names
As of February 2023, the world’s most referenced sanctions authorities listed about 18,500 different individuals. Across this global data set, one name appears more than any other: Mohammad. This is despite the deluge of Russia-focused sanctions that began in March of 2022 after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

How to Use the Global Sanctions Index in Country Risk Ratings
Learn how to use the Global Sanctions Index backing dataset to inform country risk ratings, identify sanctions compliance gaps across countries of operation, and identify which countries prioritize fighting financial crime.

ENABLERS Act: What it Means and How to Prepare
The ENABLERS Act is a proposed law in the United States that closes loopholes which allow “enablers” to launder illicit funds in the US. The law was prompted by scandals, including the Panama Papers, which showed the extensive role played by US attorneys, investment advisors and company service providers in helping move illicit funds through and into the US. The act will place strict requirements on: attorneys, law firms and notaries, trusts and company service providers, third party payment service providers, investment advisors, sellers of art, antiques and collectibles, title insurance companies, public relations, marketing and communications professionals providing clients with anonymity and certified public accountants and public accounting firms.

What is OFAC’s favorite day for sanctions?
OFAC has no public schedule for which day it publishes new sanctions, but there is a clear favorite: Friday. From 2 June 2021 to 2 June 2022, OFAC issued 98 separate sanctions announcements, with Thursdays and Fridays accounting for 50% of total announcements. But, this practice enables sanctions, creating a gap between announcement and implementation.

2021 Sanctions in 12 Charts
In 2021 China rapidly grew its sanctions program, the US and EU renewed focus on corruption and human rights abuses globally, the US increased its crypto offensive and for the first time in perhaps a decade, Iran was not a major focus. See this and more to round up the year in global sanctions.

Human Rights Sanctions in 5 Charts. Who Applies Them, and Where?
Sanctions programs focused on human rights and corruption are increasingly at the forefront of the public debate. However, the data shows significant disparities between designations between US, UK, EU, and Canada programs. These graphs show the distribution and depth of each human rights sanctions program to date in preparation for Human Rights Day.

Export Control Tracker Fourth Edition: November 2021
Commerce announced the addition of 31 entries to the Entities List in November, including eight firms in China involved in the development or acquisition of quantum computing capabilities and 16 China- and Pakistan-based entities involved in Islamabad’s nuclear program. BIS additionally reached an agreement with a US-based firm over unauthorized exports to Huawei in the bureau’s first enforcement action since the 2019 adoption of export controls against the Chinese tech firm.