Free Sanctions and PEP Screening

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Check out our knowledgebase quick start guide.

After signing up:

  1. Enter a name and hit search! For example, Abd Al Salam Said Jan

  2. Use Advanced Search to check IDs, citizenships, adjust the score and more

  3. Use filters to select List Source (e.g. UK HMT OFSI), filter by entity or individual, and more. 

Have questions? We have answers.

  • 60 second tutorials cover key features such as risk categories, list sources and lists, batch search, onboarding and searching in different languages.

  • The Knowledge Base has over 100 articles about our platform and general compliance questions.

What's Inside

1000+ global watchlists with structured and enriched data on high risk individuals, entities, vessels, aircraft and locations. The data is searchable in 100+ languages and contains IDs, physical addresses, crypto wallet addresses, citizenship, dates of birth, and more. Our watchlists cover eight categories:

  • Sanctions

  • Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs and RCAs)

  • Export Control

  • Law Enforcement Wanted Lists

  • Contract Debarment

  • Delisted Names

  • Elevated Risk

  • Regulatory enforcement